Shell Handle Knife Necklace with Brass Chain (multiple options)
Tiny Peace Studs
The Fisticuff (metal options)
Bird Knife Necklace
Rain Cloud Studs
Funky Design Square Hoops
Checker Tile Square Hoops
Mini Floret Earrings
Small Floret Earrings
The Giant Peach Abalone
Sundip Chunk Hoops
Sunrise Chunk Hoops
Joan Chunk Hoops
Ripple Hoops
Poky Hoops
Aperol Dip Hoops
Hike Hoops
Resevoir Hoops
Lime Rickey Hoops
Limone Stripe Hoops
Bee Talisman - Bronze
Cumulus Medallion Necklace
Nimbus Earrings with Pearl and Turquoise
Sea Green Swarovski + Crescent Dangles